Whether shopping online or looking for business addresses, phone numbers, people today often turn to the internet first for information about businesses, products, and services of interest, making online presence one of the most valuable assets for any business. Not just to share information but to build brand credibility and authority. on today’s businessedge with Favour, we will be looking at how to leverage digital marketing to grow your business and why, If this sounds interesting then you want to stick around and watch till the end, and if you are just joining us for the first time, do not forget to subscribe…

I have interacted with some business owners and their major complaints have always been about not knowing how to go about this social media thing or digital marketing wahala, let me state it clearly here that’s why we are here.

So if are at the verge of quitting online marketing, please don’t it could just be that your strategy is not hitting it yet, the truth is you can do better and that’s one of the major reasons this channel was birthed, to give you clarity on growing your brand through digital marketing.


  • Register your presence online: Prior to doing this, ensure you have done the due diligence of knowing the best channels for your brand having analyzed your buyer persona, you should know where your audience will be found.
  • If you already have digital channels – social media and website and yet feel you are not hitting it, no 2 might just be to optimize your website, gather analytics around traffic to your site, and pages that prospects and customers visit, it might also be to optimize your google my business which is now Google profile and this applies to both old new businesses. Will create another video around SEO –Local SEO, on page SEO, and Technical SEO
  • Promotion: The recent algorithm on social media platforms in particular does not favour you and I, they want us to advertise, promote, and boost a post. The point is you need to allow more people to know about you and one of the easiest ways to do this is to run an Ad, when you post on Facebook or IG how many likes do you get, what has the engagement been like compared to how it was 4 years ago.


  • Reach more people without geographic limitation. – People can easily find your business online because you registered your presence online. Take for instance, if tourist or someone new to a particular city requires a particular service say, she has a meeting…. All she needs do is type, good hair salon near me and
  • Attract prospect and generate leads: In a recent thinkwith google update I got, statistics showed that 39% of consumers surveyed say they are buying more online now than they were a year ago.

Online marketing allows customers to find the information they need even after you’ve closed up shop for the night. It gives them the option to email questions at any time, rather than forcing them to call during business hours; it puts your interactions on their schedule and not the other way around. It allows brands to do more with their resources while empowering the customer to do business with that brand on their terms.