One of the reasons you may still be running round in circles despite all you are doing to grow your brand and sell could just be lack of understanding of who your target audience are. Your target audience refers to the specific group of consumers most likely to want your product or service

You want to know as much about them as possible, so you can provide personalized service, relevant content, and helpful sales information.

I want to help you avoid making the same mistake. Marketing is tough, so why would you start off by going after the wrong people?

A buyer persona is a fictional representation of your ideal client or target audience. With a clear picture of who you’re marketing to, it’s much easier to develop effective, targeted content that speaks to your ideal buyer’s goals and challenges

Understanding your buyer persona helps to create the right content that will appeal to them, it cuts across your marketing strategy For instance if you want to use an influencer to push your product or service you would definitely need to choose an influence that falls under the same category as your buyer persona.

All great personas start with a little bit of research. Even if you feel like you already have a pretty good grasp on who most of your clients are, it’s worth it to take a hard look, not just at who you’re already working with, but who you’d like to work with in the future.

Why does a target audience matter so much?

Targeting a wide audience wastes time and resources. Finding your target audience allows you to focus on the people most likely to convert

The first thing to do is to gather key information about your audience

Who are your current customers, do you have info about their demographics: gender, age, income or education level, go further to find out, are they BDMs, the best people that can provide you with this first-hand info are your customer-facing staff, your account managers and account executives.

2, Send out a survey to groups where you think your prospects are or even your current customers.

3, Use your online Analytics- Your social media and website analytics will further break down the type of people that are engaging with your content.